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Bad examples from my peers Bad Service Be proactive Difficult people Do it right the first time From Church Good Examples of Service How you say it IS as important as what you say. Know the players Money ain't money? Mr. Contractor Mr. GC People who are in the right business Personalities vs Production The Art of Communication The Boss is the boss Tools and Service Which Brand Does Better

Ronald McDonald Would Have A Frowny Face

I’ve done it dozens, if not hundreds, of times-get off at a random interstate exit for a large unsweet tea under the golden arches. Readers, friends and aliens, don’t do it in Jacksonville, Florida off of I-95. If you do, you may have a real (interpret bad) experience like I did. Honestly, McDonalds’ employee training […]

Say it out loud.

When I was growing up two of my brothers were in the same age range and worked in Daddy’s home renovations business like I did. My older brother was out in the world, flying solo, a fledgeling, by then. I mentioned one of my brothers in a previous post. The other one had (has) his […]